Hey people, it's me eku it's computer lesson again, so how are you? Well, today was ordinary day as always. We posted on last monday and today is monday of the next week. So we really do not have time to sit on the computer so we can only add posts here on monday. Today i want to write about some book. Todat our English teacher told us to take some books from our school library and we went and took some, i was looking for interesting book at first i liked some romantic book which Annie wanted to take but then she found book about Audrey Hepburn and we changed our books i gave my book to her and she gave me book which i wanted so i just can't wait to read then i'll write down here what was book like.
понедельник, 24 октября 2011 г.
Hey people, it's me eku it's computer lesson again, so how are you? Well, today was ordinary day as always. We posted on last monday and today is monday of the next week. So we really do not have time to sit on the computer so we can only add posts here on monday. Today i want to write about some book. Todat our English teacher told us to take some books from our school library and we went and took some, i was looking for interesting book at first i liked some romantic book which Annie wanted to take but then she found book about Audrey Hepburn and we changed our books i gave my book to her and she gave me book which i wanted so i just can't wait to read then i'll write down here what was book like.
Hey all we R on the computer lesson talking blogging & dreaming ( maybe) so it's very interesting i mean gossip for sure i love it!! so what about our school lessons ? they were well but i have some problems in geography like Eku but don't even care I'm very tired of nervous and i really want to forget it forget all my problems Eku please don't think about it Ok , don't mind !!we'll see it in future U're right so that's all i think oh no i forget we were in library and i took a romantic stories and eku Audrey Hepburn! she is really beautiful ! so bye
понедельник, 17 октября 2011 г.
With Love
hey people again how are you, i know i asked that already so i'm posting for this blog today already second time, we're still sitting at the computer lesson. For this time i'm so sorry i can't add photoes to my posts but i'll fix this problem really soon. I just can't add them on this computer so it's ok. So Anka is posting about arts, and i'm posting about our ordinary day at school, i mean today. Today as we all know is Monday our busy week just have started so we're trying to get some more energy for other 5 days left in here. But it's really ok because today was ordinary but a great day i loved everything. We had sports and we got a little tired there, lately on the last lesson (that means now) we had a computer lesson and we made some posts in here. See you, your eku
this post will be about art
hello all oh i have already said it because it's already meee anka anie angel i don't know.. how do U like? ok let's go on at first i have not a good mood or character eku is posting very fast as i said she is liike yhcdjfgdhgfghn and so on! this post is about photos i will make Your mood better =))
from anka ;angel
hello veryone thank U eku for this Job U're best sweetheart!!! ok i will ... so i don't know what i'm writing but it's a secret don't tell anyone pshshh!!!... ok EKU or beauty was on the blackboard she was reteling info> text =))) she didn't know but she get a better mark than me she get nine it's better than me and my mark is ...i don't know because i wasn't (still) at the blackbord eka is sayng oh it's not much time!!! aaaa...!!!! so on =)=) =) =) =) =) =) =)ok better is to work quiklyy!! ok, i saw a film it was melodram romantic but very long ''waiting for forever'' so i'm so happy that we swiched on our computers!!! so i have to found some cute photo for this post and i'm thinking eku is posting so qwikly that i can't read it =)
By Eku
Hey people what's up now we have a computer lesson, i'm already so tired plus after that lesson i'm going directly to modeling studio, i went to the blackboard and had 9 again, ughhh.. i wanted ten so so ,much but it's still really ok cause i'll definetly try to get ten next time at this lesson. So about my advices, well i'll just tell you to never give up, cause if you won't make something really good at first time it's really ok so you can try to make something better next time, try many times. Everyone has talent, but all you need to is to discover it in yourself so please just try to. So Annie is back again she is posting some posts at the moment wow she already did now she is looking for some new photo to add to her post, so let's wish her good luck, i have to go help her. Your eku P.S. sorry for no photo
пятница, 14 октября 2011 г.
Be Happy
Oh hi, what's up people? I wanted to use this post such as a message for my friend Annie so the wedding was ok but i'll tell you everything at school =* and please post something cause you know we miss your posts. =* So i'm really starting to think that i miss school because it's again Friday and then again weekend, but still everything's ok by the way i can use this time such as a little holiday. And till then you guys listen to this adorable song. P.S. Annie you too. Your Eku
понедельник, 10 октября 2011 г.
love ya angel
hey all it's also me Angel, Annie i love U so much we R at our informatic lesson don't belive : our teacher is anti blogger )) ok i love sport as eku said that i not ok just forget it . we were doing some ordinary stuff and now we're JUst blogging i realy love this bussines ok, i dont know what to write eku is just sitting near me and writing something also here but i dont know.. ok i want to write about some games about fashion or maybe sims 2,3 ok i realy love some games because you're relaxing like reading books no i cant say that book is like some fashion game or sims 2 it's beter it's the best thing in the world ... ok bye and remember that the book is the best thing in the world (to relax) your annie
Hey people, i and annie are in the computer class, we are writing this post secretly, not anymore.. OK it does not matter any more, so we are on the great mood today, we had a lots of fun on this usual school day.Today we had sport lesson it was so adorable i truly loved it, you know i love to sports.. But Annie is not friends with sports, ok she is sporty in tennis but not in other stuff, ok just forget it. So may be you all want to know what we are doing in the other half of day, well many things you know, we love to shopping too but we can't do that every day cause we don't have really enough time for it. But sometimes when you are sitting at home and thinking what you can do at this moment you can always go to the shopping centre and buy yourself a present, a new adorable outfit that suits you. If you like something but it looks bad on you then just DO NOT buy it, or just look for another one just don't give up and you will always find what you're looking for, just like Justin Bieber says never say never. Your eku
воскресенье, 9 октября 2011 г.
He all it's me beauty, long time no see.. Sorry from both of us me and annie because we didn't write anything here.. But anyways we're continuing writing for this blog. Well you know i decided to make this post about my favorite song for now, it's avril lavigne smile, it's just so adorable song.. We (Annie and i) love lots of songs, our hobby is to draw together, talk or to write something for this blog.. But the most favorite thing is to SmIlE.. So just smile and keep reading our blog, your eku
вторник, 4 октября 2011 г.
Hello again it's me eku, i haven't written anything on this blog for already 2 days, i missed this.. Well today was not a bad day you know, i and anka are really getting more and more best friends then ever, so we really had fun in our friend's house and lately in anka's i couldn't believe that i finally was there. It was such a cute day and i really had huge fun. Today was some kind of ordinary day nothing special happened. Now i haven't done my homework yet but i'm so tired so i decided to just relax, but i have tons of homework to do.. I'll write something next time i won't forget.. Your eku
понедельник, 3 октября 2011 г.

Hey guys today was a very good day but i din't came on the blog on a copouter lesson but instead we had a free lesson me and eku were playind and listening music=) today also was very important For Eku=) today (as she has already said) she is going to a modal studio at first time=) she must there for 3 hours=) i hope there R not some boys=) but without them this day is going to be funny and important! i felt that we ( me & Eku) became more friends then were and i'm very happy=)now i'm playing some sort of stuff on facebook ok I have to go as said CINDERELLA Bye !
воскресенье, 2 октября 2011 г.
Angel: BesT FrienDss!!!

hey all!! today me and eku (as U know) were hanging out at the birthday party but after it we went to my house it was about 7.30 we went to my house as Ekus parents were late!=) at the first time they were not taking Eku alone only with my mother and me to my house but when i call Ekus Mum they agreed me. I was too happy like eku when we heard this words: ok eku will go to your house for 2.30 hours we were like: Jumping and hugging ! we had to continue our party at mine!! It was unbeliveble... =) =D
Birthday party
hey guys it's not only me we are together with eku on a birthday, it's a fantastic party!! L o V i N g it! ok we're alone in the room. children (some) are locked in the other room. i'm eku and i'm worried cause they just can't be stuck in there. Ooh we'll have huge problems! i have opened the door (it's ann) !! congratulations sweety it's a boring post you know strange one.. but i'm happy because of i opened the door like: i'm S T R O N G!
суббота, 1 октября 2011 г.
aNgEl O:)

Hey everyone it's me ann. i have already read eku's post and i like it i don't know how to put some clips.but i hope eku will tell me. i miss U very much today wasn't so terrible day i wasn't at my grandmothers but at my mother's work in an office. other members had their little children like2-3 years old boys. And i was like a babysiter and it was realy horrible !!! at first they were So cute but that they like bacame monstors, weired monstors! they were running through the whole office and i was crying like:AaaaA! sit down please don't run away you R two and i'm one!! and this koshmar was from 11.00 to 18.00... then as eku said i was choosing a present to my friend's birthday. that was my whole day i'm so tired that I'm writing this and sleeping!! ok bye, see you after birhtday on the computer lesson! bye!!!
Victorious Clip "Song2You" Official
For Anka
Hola from eku, so i understand anka that you will be a little bored but you can for example sit on the computer i think your granny haves computer right? If not for example you can read something watch TV or do something else. By the way hi people it's morning right now not totally morning but nearly like this. Well.. i'm on the great mood and we both will see each other tomorrow on our friend's birthday, i'm really waiting for it and i just have no idea what tomorrow will be like. Soo as i said on Monday i have a really important day i'm going to modeling studio and i'll start learning this kind of stuff there. This was always my dream and it became true, so who will say after this that dreams doesn't come true? Your eku
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