Finally It's Ann. Yes, are U surprised? I think U are cause I wasn't Here Since very Long time. U Just can't imagine what's Happening in our Lives. It's Like Massive List Of things. I will Not Write What But I want to talk To U Just like U are My Friend. You Know I'm Looking for myself I am at such situation That I don't Know what to do I even Don't Know who will be a Real Friend For me ( I don't mean K I mean "friend") So, I don't Need Boyfriend or I need But I Just realized That It's better To Have One and Really Kind Person who will Understand U and Love U the way U are so.. now I think that The whole things were Happening Are just childish Nonsense. I think every Normal Girl Is suffering in Not Having a boyfriend That's Fine cause God is With U and Thinks : " I will save This girl to someone special" and Remember U create your destiny.. Only U!