суббота, 30 июня 2012 г.

Yeah, it's me Katherine. Well as I was reading our latest posts I noticed that they were extremely boring, and that't not what you guys want right? So.. as I admited this blog isn't our diary where we can write our feelings and life-stories, I mean sometimes maybe yes.. But we want to become proffesional bloggers and have a second job like this, but if we're going to continue everything in this way this won't bring us any good, we created this blog when we were really unexperienced little kids, but now I want to take everything quite seriously. I want to write posts which will be interesting for everyone, I mean we didn't choose the concrete way yet but it's time to. From my point of view it's time to take everything seriously we're 13 so it would be nice if we would write instead of "Hey guys.. How are you?" something more interesting and proffesional. XoXo Katherine
понедельник, 25 июня 2012 г.
By anns
вторник, 19 июня 2012 г.
Annie don't be shy here.
Hey, That's me Ans. Here is song about me:
So I'm too shy But I have to write here my book's part right? Ok fine You'll see it in next Post
воскресенье, 17 июня 2012 г.

четверг, 14 июня 2012 г.
Future Plans

So hey there, it's me Katherine. Now we have exams in school, and then summer holidays, you know I gotta be happy but I'm not that much because by ending this school year.. Some things will change and I don't want that, because in the next year nothing will be the same way.. That will be the worst nightmare ever.. Well my advice to you is to ALWAYS do what you want to until it's way too late, because people leave then and you don't even have time left to tell them about your feelings. XoXo Katherine
среда, 13 июня 2012 г.
short Post!

The Notebook
Letters to Juliet
Last Song. These are the main Ones. So that Was Annie:) XoXo
P.S http://www.facebook.com/AnniesQuotes _IT's My page on FB Like Mee!!
воскресенье, 10 июня 2012 г.

Now I'm watching movie "Prom" . I got on a better mood, and never ever going to give-up. From tomorrow it will be the last week of school, no that can't be reality? Can it be? What I want to do now is to take my pillow and scream inside for an hour, so that will heal the pain I guess. What I don't like in myself is that I keep dreaming and dreaming and dreaming, that means I'm just wasting the time of my life in nothing and that is way too stupid. Why should I care about the stupid concequences? No one does so I'm not going to aswell, or whatever sometimes may be? Alright I'm just way tooo confused to write a normal post now, so I'll just stay quet. Still XoXo Katherine
суббота, 9 июня 2012 г.
I hope this song will make you on a good mood. It's pretty obvious life's beautiful. XoXo Katherine

So hi everyone, we have some news here. Annie is writing a book, it's like a diary of a teenage girl named Annabelle. It's nearly our lives but the way we want them to be, I'm pretty sure it's going to be awesome. So we both started seriously thinking about being writers, why not? We have been bloggers for a big time, and also have written in many diaries so we are truly experienced. It's pretty obvious that every dream can come true, we just need to work things out, if you can dream about something you can make this dream come true. Just like we did, just like I did, alright I'm not sure in some things yet but I didn't give up and that's already something for me. And I'm not that kind of person that ever gives up in life. XoXo Katherine
воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.
Interviews =)

Interviews are Back! Just Click On "interview with Teens=)" above and See our Conversations :) Have Fun!
For Katherine))

Katherine! We have mega News And I don't think that U'll like them. Also I'm not sure that You want to hear them But.. I Should tell you doesn't matter that you won't like them. In one word Better forget him XoXo Annie
суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.
Post Day is back!

Hello Guys! You are in the war between Heart and Brain - heart Won:) Thank you all readers for Your Posts in our Guestbook. and Congrats to us Because our stats are really High. Curious?
Then: we have 1,649 readers from Georgia, 929 from Russia, 199 from USA, 44- Germany, 35- Brazil, 35- Canada, 35-France:) Also The Ukraine and Latvia- 33 & 23. And Today is Our Post day 280 Posts :)) So we succeed somehow. We are really Thankful Guys Especially To our Super-mega Reader D.J :) P.S Can You write your name Instead of Anonymous? Thanks. XoXo Katherine and Annie
Offers: Visit- http://sally-s.blogspot.com :) and you will find some exiting posts For teenagers :)
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