Is the life about thinking or feeling? Is it all about hesitating? cause u know, if u feel something u don't need to hesitate. why are we so afraid to believe in reality. why when a guy says that words to you, that probably every girl wants to hear you still ain't sure if he says what he really feels. why do we girls, have to think so much - "wait, he can't actually like me. I'm not pretty enough, I'm not fit enough, I'm not clever enough.. that means I'm at all not perfect. probably he lied. I will just ignore him."
why girls? maybe he is into you, the way you are. with all your flaws and minuses. you'll have a question do guys like that really exist nowadays? you know, these days while doing something - one strange thought came to me. Do men really play a big role in our lives? cause you know you probably think men are at least to give a birth but I guess in this century woman can have a baby without actual "getting married - being pregnant" stuff. Sorry I just forgot the main thing I was trying to say.
at our age, guys who will like you for who you actually are - exist, and if you haven't met one that doesn't mean they do not exist - and this time we are talking about the real life not about books, stories or movies. they do exist in reality. It's just people by mistake call them "perfect". The truth is nobody is perfect -
you know I had chance to meet guy like that. who liked a girl - that thought she was not good enough, not pretty enough but still she is who she is and that's why he liked her.
I said "liked" - as you see. that- was on purpose cause she refused him. and who will guess why? because she thought she wasn't as beautiful someone to like her the way she is, of course she still doesn't admit that it was the reason, so she blames millions of different things like "If he liked me He should have done this..
or he would have never given up on us. and It could be better if he said it in other way" but deep inside she knew that was not the reason.
In fact he liked her for years he thought he would never get over her. but everything has the end, so had his hope.
you know what's the funniest part of this story? now she is in love .. with this guy.
and I guess men Actually play a big role. Because without them , Life wouldn't be as wild, as complicated and as fucking interesting as it is with them.

at our age, guys who will like you for who you actually are - exist, and if you haven't met one that doesn't mean they do not exist - and this time we are talking about the real life not about books, stories or movies. they do exist in reality. It's just people by mistake call them "perfect". The truth is nobody is perfect -
you know I had chance to meet guy like that. who liked a girl - that thought she was not good enough, not pretty enough but still she is who she is and that's why he liked her.
I said "liked" - as you see. that- was on purpose cause she refused him. and who will guess why? because she thought she wasn't as beautiful someone to like her the way she is, of course she still doesn't admit that it was the reason, so she blames millions of different things like "If he liked me He should have done this..
or he would have never given up on us. and It could be better if he said it in other way" but deep inside she knew that was not the reason.
In fact he liked her for years he thought he would never get over her. but everything has the end, so had his hope.
you know what's the funniest part of this story? now she is in love .. with this guy.
and I guess men Actually play a big role. Because without them , Life wouldn't be as wild, as complicated and as fucking interesting as it is with them.
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