Parents think they know what the kids of today are going through. Kids of the 21st century are going through a lot more pressure, stress and aggression than back when your parents were kids. Things have changed. Bullying is easier than ever, thanks to technology. Smoking, alcohol, depression, everywhere you turn. The headlines, yet again, "Teenager murdered!" The streets aren't safe. Unfortunately, parents aren't that smart. Back then our parents had things easy for them. Today is alot harder then 20 to 30 years ago. Pressure and stress is why teenagers wish they werent around. Teenagers can't handle all the stress that is put toward them today.
Ask your parents how their day went every day when they come in the house after work. Make sure they know that you care.
Make sure your parents know that if you are locked in your room, it usually means you're tired, had a rough day, or just chillin'. It's difficult being a teen . Studying at school all day and the constant pressure of peers always competing to be the best, is exhausting. Everyone needs 'me' time,
allow parents to see you're a mature teen, contribute to household chores and offer to take care of siblings. Parents need a break as well.
talk to your parents... if they're interested. Give them something to keep them happy. Let them know what school's like for you, name a few friends & if your interested in someone, let them know, very subtly of course :) Parents are happy knowing you're happy, so acknowledge them in a small way. By doing this, parents will know that when you don't want to talk, it's fine. the parent should understand that you just simply want to be left with some privacy .
If there is a problem in your life, promise to talk to your patents in your own time, but do it if you can.
sometimes both parents work and in some cases parents hold down more than 1 job. It's not fair and they were once kids as well. Let them know you will help them where you can. For your parents to understand you, you have to talk, no-one is born with a set if instructions so open up
if you're being bullied, talk to someone, even if you don't think your parents care, someone somewhere does. You can sort the problem out, and who knows... You might start helping others as well :)
communication goes both ways
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