суббота, 31 декабря 2011 г.

Thanks for comments

Hey all thanks for writing and in this post I want to write how to behave with parents and I'll bring you a lot of  fotoes .
Behavior is something all parents want and expect. To behave well, however, is not as easy as said and done. This WikiHow will earn you more respect from your parents and brothers/sisters to ensure responsibilities and better things in life.

Make sure your behavior improvement doesn't seem too abrupt. It may cause your parents to assume that you're acting well just to get something.
Do your best in school. Your parents will like to see you studying. Concentrate, listen to your teachers, do your homework and revise for all tests!
Always do your chores, if your parents tell you that you have to take out the trash or do the laundry, be sure to get it done! And make sure your room is clean, you know how parents hate messy rooms.
Do whatever you are asked, even if you don't want to. Just tell yourself, 'I will get it over and done with.' With this fighting spirit, all that you do in life will become easier.
Give everyone lots of love, and gifts now and again. Be kind and gentle with everyone, even if they annoy you. If you have small brothers and sisters, be nice to them and don't argue over silly, pointless things. Help them with their homework, play with them and listen to them now and again.
Be thoughtful. Don't leave the bathroom dripping wet after you have been in the bath, and don't leave your rubbish for other people to clean up!
Do things without being asked to do them! If you can see that your bedroom is a mess, or if you know you will get told to put your dirty pots in the dishwasher, do it before your parents even ask you and they will be impressed.
Don't play music really loud, be considerate to everyone else in your house!
Don't be loud, and if you have friends round, don't charge around like elephants or shout and scream.
Be responsible! For example, if your parents give you chores or tasks to do, do them well! Don't rush things, and always think things through before you do them! If they can trust you to do things, they will see you as being more responsible!
Always be polite to your parents. Kiss them Good night. Also just because you are starting to do better doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself but remember to think before doing what ever it may be that you would like to enjoy yourself in.

3 комментария:

Mabel комментирует...

Love it!

katherineann комментирует...


katherineann комментирует...

Thank you all=** Eku
