If you are reading this article right now, then you have probably been asking yourself one very important question: does he like me?
Maybe you like this guy, and you hope that he likes you back. Or maybe he is just a friend to you, and you hope that he only thinks of you as a friend too. Either way, by simply learning a few common signs that guys give when they like a girl, you can easily find out if he really does like you.
His Actions
If you want to know if a certain guy likes you, then all you need to do is pay attention to the way he acts around you.
One way that boys act around girls that they like is by “secretly” staring at the girl. I say “secretly”, because really, they aren’t that sneaky. If you are paying attention, then you can often catch his glance when he is “not looking at you”. Of course, he will then quickly look away, but we all know that he was staring at you. ;)
Another way to tell if he likes you is if he touches you. For example, when you are walking together, does he seem to walk closely to you? Just enough that you brush shoulders every once in a while? If so, then he might like you.
His Words
One of the easiest way to tell if a guy likes you is by how he talks to you. Does he seem shy or nervous when he talks to you? Does he try to compliment you, even jokingly? Or does he seem to talk to you about totally pointless stuff? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then he may very well like you.
Shyness: I think this one is obvious enough. If a guy really likes a girl, then he usually gets nervous around her. So if this boy gets nervous when he is talking to you, then he probably does like you.
Compliments: A lot of the time, a guy will actually want to let a girl know that he likes her, but he doesn’t want to be very obvious about it. Because of this, he will often try to give compliments to the girl, but he will do it “jokingly”. So if this boy tells you how good you look, or says how much he likes your outfit, then it’s possible that he really does like you.
However, be careful that he isn’t just being friendly. If you two have been friends for a while, then he might be complimenting you just because you two are good friends. Don’t worry though, because it’s actually not that hard to turn friendship into a relationship.
Laughter: Does he like to make you laugh? This is one of the oldest tricks that guys use to flirt with girls. Pay attention to your conversations with him, and see if makes a lot of jokes when he is around you. However, this doesn’t count as flirting if he is just naturally a funny guy. So make sure that he is really trying to get you to laugh, and not just everyone.
Pointless Conversations: When a guy likes a girl, he will do everything he can to get to talk to her. But sometimes he won’t have anything important to talk about. So, he will probably end up just talking to you about little/unimportant things. So if he asks you what your favorite Disney movie is, or how long you can hold your breath for, then I bet this guy probably likes you.
I know it can be hard to tell, but I hope you now have a pretty good idea as to whether or not this guy likes you. Just look for these signs, and you should be able to figure out how he feels about you.
XOXO Annie
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