What if...
What if.. What if.. - you ask these kind of questions all the time. for example the most usual questions are - What if he is right? ; What if he really likes me? there are a LOT of those questions that we always ask but are scared to try it. When I am in this kind of situation Katherine says : " Ans, Do it Now or never!" Yeah, yeah.. It really helps for a moment I become brave. but then when I realize how hard my situation is I always get again- frightened and weak. That is my problem. and I am sure most of girls are like that. But what a life without a risk.
My teacher says: "always remember girls, never, never tell a boy that you like him" Yeah, that's right. actually I am writing this post for myself too, sometimes I can't understand some things and need to write them down. maybe that post won't give you anything but, I will tell you how I usually do. When your crash is online don't write him immediately he will understand everything then. and before writing think about every single detail. and chose the theme. really, for example let's take a situation :
you: "heey!"
He: "Hi, how are you?"
you:" fine you?"
He: "fine :)"
and that's it?no of course not. first of all if he really likes you he will continue this conversation. or there are some sort of boys which like a girl but doesn't want to be annoying. there is another rule for a girl which is also very important. girl mustn't write always first. suffer him. and if he really likes you, he will write you first. and Don't be annoying or in fact he will block or delete you. ( I had that experience) as says Merlyn Monroe : a Wise girl kisses but doesn't love, Listenes but doesn't believe and leaves before he left. I know in her real words she says " She left" but I think that's better. x. Annie
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