I do, I do, I do

I think every girl can imagine herself standing in white as snow dress with a guy of her dreams behind. Sometimes when we meet a guy that we like, we think that this is our future husband, but most of the times this doesn't come true. But of course one day you might find a guy which you won't even imagine that will become yours for life, or maybe we already know that person just don't realise that he's the one we should spend our whole lifetime with. Anyways fancy wedding, many presents, jealous looks of your enemies and your prince charming is everything nowadays teenage girls live for. Though life seems so perfect when you both say "I do". But does this happiness last for long? Well that's a question I actually can't even answer by now, but when I look at married people I instantly have an answer for everything that. Maybe deep inside they love each other, I mean of course they do especially first few years but then they get sick of each other, they're just bored by seeing one and the same face everyday, talking to one and the same person your whole life might really look tiring. But if you really love this person then you won't ever get bored of him/her, but that mostly happens to every couple doesn't matter how much they love each other. Though I really don't want this to happen to me, when I hopefully will get married. I'll try to really be different to that special person, I mean to understand him and to comfort him when he needs this. I won't be an egoist which just cares about fancy presents and only about herself, this is just not me. But I would never let my husband to command over me, to talk to me like I'm his slave because I'm independent person and only I can decide what to do or not, doesn't matter I'm married or not. Well that's my personal opinion, which includes the fact that I don't think that woman must only be a house wife, she must work as hard as her husband, that's the only way of not becoming a slave. But not all men are like that, sometimes happy couples create happily ever after. Especially caring women create happiy every after, of course you must work hard, but never forget to be a best mother for your child, and a best housewife. Because this kind of girls are the hottest. XoXo Katherine
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