I have bad news guys, My turtle Allie died.. yes me and S discovered that she was not breathing.
Advice: Don't freeze your turtles they die.
OK, I need some music to forget this terrible thing So let's listen to the...
Sh##! now my Noah needs a new wife :|
Should I ask Santa? Well, I'm not sure he will ever bring me.. xD
Anyway, I am very proud to introduce my BF's blog once again: Sally-s.blogspot.com
and our FB page : Annie's Quotes <--- Just press here
Our school starts only on 23rd of January. omg! I forgot to congrats you.. Happy new Year! (again) cause this 10 days people still celebrate new year. P.S About our carnival, Sorry guys I can't show you...
I am kidding here they are : CaRnIvAl <--- Press here!
Sorry for the size but believe me it's necessary and important.
Our holidays are going just fine:)) by the way I haven't still written to K. because of I know she can't talk she can't write here so I am with you, guys sorry her. hope you are having enough fun with me. and another song! ( I feel like I am a Radio DJ when I type that)
Ich Liebe dich, Anna.
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