Hey all! thanks eku i love our new blog's style It's amazing now my cousin is comming to Join us. this post wanna be, If you are interested for boys, how to be a gentelman! It's very important for us, girls we are dreaming about such boys. let's start! Chivalry and honor aren't dead, but they're not thriving either. Conduct yourself like a gentlemen and you'll gain a woman's respect. Plus, you'll feel better about yourself.
Good hygiene is a must. Make sure to bathe and groom yourself regularly. When applying deodorant or cologne, don't use a lot. Some girls may not like the smell and if you reek of it they're not going to be pleased. Also, make sure you don't use too much hair gel (it's sticky and goes rock hard after a while).
Pay attention to how you look. Wear clothes that fit your body well, eliminate flashy clothing and avoid fashion "faux pas" (i.e. baseball hats cocked slightly to the side). A simpler wardrobe will keep the emphasis on you, not your clothes, which will change your outlook. Get regular haircuts.
also be pOlite not only with girls but with everyone!
A true gentleman is polite to everyone, in action and words. Always be aware of how you can help people. Wait an extra few seconds to hold the door for the person behind you. Offer to help an old or pregnant person get their grocery bags to the car. You don't have to be paranoid or risk killing yourself (i.e if you've got a precarious grip on something heavy, don't open the door for someone) but respect is paramount. Even if someone is being stupid, be polite and respectful.
Be prepared to ask questions or make statements of courtesy, like "how was your day", "may I help you?", or "let me get that for you", or "I'll take care of that".
Don't swear. Ever. Don't speak of vulgar matter. If it's too difficult to stop cursing all-together, tone it down a lot.
Don't talk about yourself much. On the other hand, girls like to know a little bit about you so they can understand what you are talking about sometimes. In addition to making you a much more desirable conversationalist, it will make you seem more mysterious to not share too much, which many women find attractive. Get a basic idea of what's going on in music, sports, and politics.
Learn to either avoid politics and religion until you know someone better, and learn how to be neutral if someone else brings it up. A simple shrug will do wonders. A gentleman doesn't make other people uncomfortable.
and in my opinion If you want to be a gentelman you should know french!
XoXo Ans
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