Once upon upon a time there was a one princess called sleeping beauty. she was born in a hardrock musicians family which was very dark and many strange things were
happening there. There were some witches and one witch was not invited on the party when the little princess was born. she became so angry that said that if the girl
will hear some classic music she will fall asleep and only a young repper could make her awake with his romantic rap and kiss. the Queen and king tell
to the whole castle and the country that there mustn't be any sort of classic music! people who didn't like Rock were listening only it, but there was one man who did not . and there was a problem he lived quite far away from the castle and no one could find him there. this days when old grandmas were listening rock, girl was growing and growing.
Everything seemed alright but one day she was walking in the street by her lamborjini, singing:It's my life! it's no or never... she went too far and get lost she was phoning her parents
by her I phone and by Skype but there were ofline.. she took her I pad and was trying to contact them on facebook or tweet something but There wasn't any internet there
- Here is no wifi what a ****
she was on driving her lamborjini but uh, now petrol!.. everything was getting down and she thought: there aren't any internet cafes or any saloons what a city is it? uh, my nail
my make up needs refresh and my clothes... umm! designer!!! uh she's always with me and now what should I do???!!
It was unbelieveble but she walked on foot, on her own foot and her new shoes...
Finally she found one little house at the end of this place. -Umm is anyone here? she said.
-who are you? said the man.
-you don't know me? said the girl
-No, why should I? man replied
-I am a princess! If U don't know me like a princess I am the coolest kisser in the world!
-Oh yeah a coolest kisser I know U! welcome to my house! the man exclamed.
and the girl went to his house. the house seemed very little there was no TV and this was the main problem. a girl asked for a towel and men gave her it. then the girl
asked man to close his eyes and she get off her clothes when man saw that the girl looked at the bathroom but keeped on going he wondered: -here is the bathroom! and he pointed to the
-I am not looking for a bathroom I am going to have a spa. Well and where is Pool?
-I haven't got it..
-OMG! How are U living at such a place!
-Say it to your father the king as i guess.
-Sure! and where is your music center i cant live without R.. and the man interupted her: -I haven't got a music center, is Radio Ok?
-Just Show me what U have!
The man blowed out the dust from the radio and said to the princess: -Now You will born again because U'll guess what's real Music!
and he swiched on the radio The girl heared classic music. -It's shopen.. Said the man. -Yo! _exclamed the girl and fell a sleep...
Man took her to the castle. He was punished by listening to the rock music for nearly to.. the end of his life.
And the girl had been laied in her Room.
Queen called request center: - Hey guys what's up?
-Oh Is that U, Queen?
-Of course that's me! How are U babe?
-Fine shouty what's going on?
-I Just want to order a prince
-Aham, For Yourself As always for one night?
-Not for me now for my daughter and Not for that U do think...
-alright! One sexy prince to the princess!
-U understood! Bye..
After hours a prince came: TuTu!!( the door bell) I'm coming said the governess. she was quite fat and Jumping on one foot and singing malasian's national song she went
to the door to open it. -oh, you are a prince on a white horse?
-Oh no, I am a prince on a white porshe but if there is a problem I will change it!
-No, there's not inaff time our princess is upstairs!
and the prince went to th
lying on her bed.He saw his text he he had to do or say and when he read that he had to rap, he thought: -I don't now how to rep I'll sing a song: Baby,Baby,Baby OoOoh!e princess he was looking for her through the thousands of doors and finally he saw a beautifull black door with a skull. he went inside and saw a princess lying
and he went closer closer and closer to her lips. He finally went to her lips and kissed her! and in this romantic moment a girl smacked him!
-what? what are U doing? said the prince.
-Oh,Oh, Sorry Continioue..
and the prince continioued. When they Finished the princess Gave prince the money and This tale is still going on Now.

XoXo Ans=))
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