Hey everyone, haven't posted for a while, had some holidays, sorry I hadn't time for computer stuff but now looks like I'm back with brand new advices to give to all you. Well I wanted to write about coffee, because I like drinking it a lot I guess you guys like it too. So that's why I will write down write here how to make very tasteful and special coffee.
How to Make a Latte
To create a latte at home, froth your milk the same way you have frothed it for a cappuccino. The only difference between a cappuccino and a latte is the amount of milk. A latte will contain more milk. Simply add the frothed milk to your coffee, and voila, you have a caffe latte.
The trick to a great tasting latte and cappuccino is the texture of the milk. Make sure you get the milk to a high enough temperature, but not too high that it scalds. Also make sure that your bubbles are fine. In fact, they should be so fine that it doesn't look like bubbles, but more like a thick creamy sheen. Airy bubbles in your milk will not create thick and creamy cappuccinos or lattes. If you do have airy bubbles, try gently swirling the milk in your saucepan so that the large bubbles are pushed to the outer rims of the pan. Then tap the pan on a hard surface, like your kitchen countertops. A gentle tap or two should pop those large bubbles, leaving your milk with the desired thick, creamy sheen.
How to Make a Caramel Mocha Frappuccino
If you've got all the above down, try making this Starbuck's sensation in your own home. To create a caramel mocha frappuccino, you would need to first create condensed coffee, frothy milk and cocoa. Once you've combined all these ingredients like you would for a mocha, then you are ready to turn this simple mocha into a caramel mocha frappuccino. Pour the hot mocha into a blender; add cream and two cups of ice. Blend until all the big chunks of ice a crushed. Be careful not to over blend—avoid dissolving all the ice. Once the consistency is thick like a smoothie or yogurt, pour your creation into a clear glass. Hand-wind some cream, and then add a dollop of cream to the top of your creation. Drizzle some caramel all over the top. And if you're feeling really create shave some bits of dark chocolate and dust some cocoa powder on top. This creamy, iced chocolaty coffee drink will make anyone swoon.
XoXo Katerine and have a yummy day
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