вторник, 13 ноября 2012 г.

Life's super mega cool

Heyeyeyeyeyeyeyey what's up yo? or maybe waz happening? Today I went to a shopping centre and bought really cute blouse and boots, I love them they suit my style perfectly. Anyways let's get back to some news, I mean some things are sort of happening in our lives but I don't really pay attention to them cause maybe just maybe I don't care. Some things are so annoying already that even if it hurted in the past now all you do is just laugh at them, you know I learnt one more thing from life a person can get used to everything and after some time not even care cause you know that it just can't be any other way so you just stop to react even a little bit. Cause you just know that your reaction doesn't matter, even to yourself any more not to talk bout others. XO Katherine P.S. Happy b.day Anne Hathaway we love you

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