четверг, 9 мая 2013 г.

everything's weird

There always comes a moment in your life when you will have to forgive some things, but it's not necessary to forget them all. You should learn from everything, because after every ups and downs you become a stronger person, the inner you starts to become individuality and you start having different sights about everything and everyone. When you love someone with your whole heart and soul and you just know that you don't have any chances, it hurts very much. It hurts even more when you had the chance and you blew it, you just can't do anything anymore. You try to tell them with your eyes that they mean so much to you, and in that moment nothing else matters it feels like you could stay like that forever. But you gotta be sure that you will handle it all, you can at least be sure that no other will love them the way that you do. It's L O V E when you can let them go to be happy with others, but it is meant to be it will be. -Katherine

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