суббота, 20 октября 2012 г.

Over thinking

Tumblr_lo5hvfhrer1qcdx4ko1_500_large   Dear Diary Some changes happened. Do You know How hard is it when you understand that you didn't know the person who you think you knew? so finally he does a thing which completely kills you inside... then you are trying to avoid yourself from him. and he doesn't care about you,your feelings of whatever... He just says it's a JOKE.
Yeah If that was a joke than I can't get your humor sorry :) -Dear reader If you are a heartbroken teenager you should read this:
 If you have been let down by a boyfriend or girlfriend, you’re probably hurting. It’s not stupid or childish to feel like this.
Your boyfriend or girlfriend has told you they don’t want to go out with you any more. You feel rejected, alone, unwanted and miserable. You had thought that this relationship would last forever and now it’s over. Let’s be honest – it’s a horrible feeling. Maybe the worst feeling you’ve ever felt. Perhaps you feel that life’s not worth living and you’ll never get over it. You probably feel that no-one has ever felt this way before.
It may sound impossible now, but you will get over it. It just takes time. And you’re not alone – almost everyone goes through this at some point in their life. It’s an important part of growing up and actually makes us stronger. What you mustn’t do is think that you have failed. Remember: relationships aren’t like exams.

Don’t do anything impulsive.think about what you are doing :))That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t treat yourself: how about buying some new clothes or getting a new hairstyle? Is there a film you’ve been wanting to see at the cinema for ages? Not sure whether to go to that party you’d been invited to? Go! And if you’re worried that your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend might be there, let them see you can have a good time without them. That’ll make you feel a lot better!
Hope you enjoyed my POST :) your AnabelleTumblr_lson75yyrk1r0ix14o1_500_large <--- isn't she CUTE :* :DD

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